Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It happened...again.

What was I doing at 10pm last night? Waiting my ass around in the local emergency room? Why you ask? Because I ruptured my other ear drum. I know it had been hurting all day at work, and started popping ominiously while watching the new HP movie, and wouldn't quite. I called my mom so just say hi and stuff, litterally just got on the phone with her [ "Hi mom! What's up? Oh SHIT! Lemme call you back!] My ear popped, and then I felt this great rush of something flowing up my ear. I ran into Cassy's kitchen and started saying... "I need a paper towel now please!!" I put it up to my ear for a second, and brought it back away and it had blood on it. FUCK! I did it again and again moving the papertowel and for the next 5 minutes or so blood kept soaking through. I called my mom again... "Mom I think I ruptured my other ear drum." She then tells me to head my butt to the ER. Cassy did... keeping in mind we had been awake since 5 am... to sit around for an hour to wait for anyone to check me in... The doctor finally came in... asked me the usual questions... looked at my right ear to tell me yes, I had indeed ruptured that one 3 months ago... and then he said this..
Dr: "Well, there is alot of puss and bubbling, some traces of blood... oh man that's a big hole... I mean..."
Me: "What?! A 'big' hole?"
Dr: "Well, yeah.. a big hole."
Me: "So, I ruptured my ear drum?"
Dr: "Yep." He looks through my chart... "Well, the dr how seen you about your ear drum last time perscribed you naproxen, but I think I will give you something better for the pain time. I am going to have you scheduled for a ENT specialist appt next week... You NEED to go and see them."
Me: "Ok."
He walks out... about 45 mins later the nurse walks in.. He hands me a lil bag with Lortab and Amoxicylin and tells me to come back in the morning to get the rest of my script filled.

I have been in a lovely loopy state of mind since then. This lortab or whatever makes me reallly loopy and happy. No pain until about five hours or so after I've took it. Then it's teim to take another one. Imma tell them no more tubes in my ears... I think 18 sets of the things are a bit much. *sigh* I'm assuming that reconstructive surgery is next... *bigger sigh*

More later when I'm less dopey.



Arcadia Iris said...

Okay, this explains what would be considered excessive typos for you... and why you said in the comment for me that you "hurt the other ear". Oh, sweetie! *HUMONGOUS HUGS* Make Cassy take good care of you! She has to hug you, and she has to sing The Rose for you. She at least has to hug you!

none said...

Sorry that happened to you. It happened to me a couple years ago.

I had ragged hearing for a couple weeks.'

Hope you get better soon.