Monday, July 23, 2007


So, I have been busy being a grown up lately. I hate the thought of it, but I've been working my tail off recently. This past weekend I worked 36 hours. That's just the weekend, 16 of those hours were just Saturday.

Lowlights of my weekend:
-My boss, didn't schedule anywork to work opening on Saturday so he gave me and Cassy and ultamatium. Work 16 hours that day, or each of us work 8 by ourselves...on the busiest day of the week.
-I am now the only full-time baker... which means I don't get any more money, I have to be at work at the ass-crack of dawn, and I have be work in front of hot ovens... and my training was only 15 mins long to become a baker.
-My boss... only worked 25 hours this entire week. He has another job now, and took off this upcoming weekend to go to said other job... That wouldn't be so bad but he wanted me and Cassy to pull another 16 hour day... No fucking way.
-The supervisor called me lazy. Which normally wouldn't bother me so much, but SHE didn't want to do a 13 hour day so she called me and I took some of her hours... and I'm lazy?

Anyways... I've been working like a mad-woman.. I've been staying at Cassy's and Jon's... I'm officially Hand-parted as of July 11 and I've not yet to completely read HP7 or watch HP5... Only Kelly would get how much that irks me. Well, i've got to be at work in 7 hours and I haven't slept yet.



Arcadia Iris said...

Wow... you're so tired you wrote "Kelly" instead of "KellY".

Meh... I saw HP5, and I've looked at enough of HP7, though I didn't get to read it word for word yet. (Wasn't my copy of the book. Hell, I still need a copy of my own of HP6!) It doesn't have any of what *you* like. :Þ

Mmm... baker. Well, I know how much you like buns.

*hugz an' kissez an' ticklez an' gigglez*

none said...

Lazy? I'd shove her ass in the oven for that comment.