Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TMI Tuesday

So, I found this ne interesting and thought I might as well share.

1. What is the strangest thing you have ever inserted or seen inserted (in a sexual manner) in person? I've heard not ever seen in person, but a friend in junior high *swore* that her sister used to masturbate with a 20oz pop bottle. *shudders*

2. Have you ever had sex anyone whose name started with a J?
I don't believe that I ever have.

3. Have you ever been outside completely naked?
Oh yeah, and I enjoyed every minute of it!

4. Do you prefer music, tv, or other noise in the background when you have sex? *shrugs* It doesn't really matter... once in the act I don't hear much unless it's someone knocking or moving around the house.

5. Have you ever used ice for sexual purposes?
Oh hell yeah!

Bonus: Have you ever been propositioned for group sex?
Yes. And I have on a couple of occasions. It was .... different.

Monday, September 22, 2008

*no title*

So... I finally broke down and went to the doctors and told him what was going on. I also had to talk to a crisis team member an now I have a referral to see a therapist. They are supposed to call me next week. Gotta start my first dose of Clonazepam tonight and Effeckzor tomorrow. Joyous right? Anything to feel better. I really hope this helps...

Friday, September 19, 2008


So, after 6 years of battling the state of Iowa my mother has finally been approved for her SSDI. It lifts a great burden off of her shoulders to finally be able to afford the things that she needs and wants. She is positively glowing now that she feels she will finally be able to be independent. Her and I are seriously considering buying our own place to live. It'll probably only be a mobile home, but it'll be better than renting or staying where we are currently at.

Will update later when I can manage to put more than 50 words together coherently.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

We're off to see the wizard...

So.... since I am the only one in the household who has an income ... again ... and I only have a part time job *I* will be loosing my cell phone and internet. I don't know how long before anything is turned back on. I don't even know if we will have a home phone. So, yeah... living off of less than 500$ a month for a family of 4 sucks.

Will post when I finally either a) get a full time job or b) someone else in my household does.