Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TMI Tuesday

So, I found this ne interesting and thought I might as well share.

1. What is the strangest thing you have ever inserted or seen inserted (in a sexual manner) in person? I've heard not ever seen in person, but a friend in junior high *swore* that her sister used to masturbate with a 20oz pop bottle. *shudders*

2. Have you ever had sex anyone whose name started with a J?
I don't believe that I ever have.

3. Have you ever been outside completely naked?
Oh yeah, and I enjoyed every minute of it!

4. Do you prefer music, tv, or other noise in the background when you have sex? *shrugs* It doesn't really matter... once in the act I don't hear much unless it's someone knocking or moving around the house.

5. Have you ever used ice for sexual purposes?
Oh hell yeah!

Bonus: Have you ever been propositioned for group sex?
Yes. And I have on a couple of occasions. It was .... different.


Real Live Lesbian said...

A popsicle, huh? Hmmm.

I also love being outside naked...especially if there's water involved!

As for the three-way....I haven't. And probably never will. I like all the attention for myself! ;)

Biscuit said...

You just reminded me of a girl in high school who was rumored to have gotten caught with a carrot by her mother. She got grounded *LOL*