Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Meme stolen from Biscuit

1) Are you currently in a serious relationship? A. I'm not in a relationship currently, this is such a complicated answer! 2) What was your dream growing up?A. I wanted to be a doctor for babies and old people, actually quoting myself here lol, that way I could bring life into the world and ease the pain as it left. 3) What talent do you wish you had?A. To be able to draw. I draw like a kidnegartner on crack, it's really sad.4) If I bought you a drink what would it be?A. Watermelon pucker and Mt Dew. I can't drink the hard stuff anymore, it smells like nail polish remover. >.<5) Favorite vegetable?A. The only vegetable that I can't have is mushrooms, but I like most of the rest of 'em. Haven't found one I don't like yet.6) What was the last book you read?A. I don't remember the title of the actual book, but the series was called Riley Jenson series... *blush*7) What day of the week were you born on? Or Zodiac sign, your choice. ("I wasn't there, so I don't remember.")A. I'm competely and utterly a Taurus. And the Chinese zodiac I am an ox, so i'm realllly stubborn. :D8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.A. I don't have any piercings anymore, but I have two tattoos. One on my back it's a pentagram that was copied off my promise ring from my best friend, and then a celtic knot on the back on my neck. 9) Worst Habit?A. PROCRASTINATION.10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?A. Hells yeah!11) What is your favorite sport?A. For me personally? It used to be softball, but to watch? Would either be basketball or football...12) Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude?A. Both. It depends on the situation. 13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?A. Chat for hours prolly.14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?A. I don't really know...15) Tell me one weird fact about you.A. I am afraid of sleeping alone, I once said that I would pay a hooker just to lay next to me in bed so I wouldn't have to sleep alone, keep in mind I didn't want to have sex with the hooker, just for them to lay next to me! 16) Do you have any pets?A. I have a ferret named Benjamin C. Beaureguard.. but in my house we also have Daveni the hamster, Delilah the guinea pig, Pi & Warrior & Patchy the dogs.17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?A. I would be like OMG! :O18) What was your first impression of me? (Alternatively, why do they always ask this in memes? Or better yet, why should I care?)A. I don't really remember.19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?A. I've got no problem with clowns, seeing as I like the movie "It" and I live next door to professional clowns. 20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?A. Weight. 21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?A. partners in crime :D22) What color eyes do you have?A. Blueish green23) Ever been arrested?A. Once, 3 days after I turned 18. 24) Bottle or can soda?A. Really doesn't matter to me, just have some dew in it!25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?A. Pay off student loans, buy a nice used car, and then put the rest on house bills.27) What's your favorite place to hang at? A. The lake or a park.28) Do you believe in ghosts?A. Yep..29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?A. Sit here at the puter.30) Do you swear a lot?A. Yep, though I don't think I do.31) Biggest pet peeve?A. Sipping the pop off the little ring on the outside of the pop can... 32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?A. Unknowing I guess.33) Do you believe in/appreciate romance? (I don't get the "slash appreciate" here. If you believe in it, it would seem you appreciate it. If you don't, well...)A. Yep.34) Why do memes always have at least one question missing?!A. Who knows? People can't count?35) Do you believe in God? A. Depends on which one you are talking about. :)36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? A. Sure.

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