Monday, February 4, 2008

An Iceball to the face...Beware RANT!

So today i've become so frustrated that I needed to vent. My little cousin MiKayla rides the bus to and from school. She *loves* to ride the bus, she wanted to ride the bus since she knew what it was about. The only problem is, she gets harassed by the other students at the bus stop. No, harassement is such a tame word, she is terrorized down there. We have called the school, walked up there with her, tried talking to the parents... nothing has worked. At first MiKayla wouldn't even tell a teacher anything was happening. But we finally talked her into talking to *someone* at the school about what was happening. So, she did and the kids got brought in and talked to, and wouldn't you know, it started getting worse. We called the school several times a week to have her bus transportation re-routed to a bus stop 1 block down the street, and no one would return our phone calls. Kim and I went up to school to talk to the principal and she said that they were *not* responsible for students before they were on school grounds. Now, since the school basically refused to protect her at the bus stop, we started taking her to and from school in the car. It stopped some of the problem, but once the kids figured out why she was riding in her mom's car they started harassing her at school more. So this year she has been ok, not great but ok. Then her first report card came back and it was like.. all non-sufficients or whatever. This is completely and utterly ridiculous, because MiKayla is doing 3rd grade work at home. She can write in cursive, do multiplications, starting to do fractions, and is reading chapter books. So, today the boiling point was this morning MiKayla was at the bus stop (she wanted to be back on the bus this year) and was circled by all the students at the bus stop, ICE BALLS thrown at her face, and then she was on the ground where the proceeded to try and kick her. This is the point where my mom flew off the handle and started yelling at the kids. And then the bus showed up. So, I wake up to my mom being pissed off and she tells me why. I get MiKaylas mom awake and tell her the problem. She calls the school to tell them she wants to take MiKayla out of school because of this ongoing problem and guess what... Because she is a MINORITY at her school they won't let her open-enroll somewhere else. The school is predominately hispanic, bosnian, and african-american. They get extra money from the state for cacausin students. We would have to move out of the schools district to have any chance of moving her to another school. We can't do that, our house is fully paid for, we couldn't afford the montly payments. So finally the school calls back and says that they are going to change her bus schedule to the one that is one block the other direction. I really hope this helps. If not I will start video-recording these kids and take it to the news.

*end rant*

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