Monday, December 29, 2008

Overnight Desk Supervisor

So... a lot of stuff has happened at work lately. The ODS (see title) was fired because "of having personal relationships with residents." I don't believe one word of that at all. I don't think that she would of risked her job and livelihood for a piece of a$$. Anyways, so she was dismissed and now the bossman says that he is going to hire one of us part timers to take her place. A couple days later he puts up a posting letting everyone know they have until the end of the year to apply for the ODS. So, I think about it for awhile and decide that even though he has his favorite employee (who he grew up with / who is also going for the ODS) I would try for it. The next day that I see the bossman he comes in and before he even clocks in he says to me "Did you see the posting for the ODS?" me: "Yep." Bossman : "Did you apply for it yet?" Me: "Yep, yesterday." Bossman: "Oh good." So fast forward to today and I was getting ready to clock out and he asks if I have a minute to talk to him. He then proceeds to tell me that only two people that have applied are eligable for the ODS position and I am one of them. He also sets up a time for an interview and testing for the job. He then says to me, "Once we get done with all this and I interview the other person *sigh* Amy and I will train you on overnights." My head almost did a 360!! He then told me exactly what the test was going to be, how he expected me to do it, etc. So, I *think* I am a shoein for this new job. If I get it i'll be getting a 2.50$ per hour pay raise and i'll be having 2x as many hours. w00t w00t.

Oh by the way... I'm engaged. :D

1 comment:

Arcadia Iris said...

A. Sounds like the boss may have some reason to avoid giving the job to the friend... like maybe having been warned by someone even higher up. Lucky for you... it would suck to be cheated out of a chance to do a job you're perfectly capable and deserving of if there weren't anything stopping the boss's friend from getting it. Good luck! You deserve a lucky break more than anybody else I can think of.

B. My total shock at seeing that you're engaged only comes from being so completely out of touch with what's happening anymore. Certainly, you are extremely marriable. <3 Congrats! (Psst... emailz plz? kthxbai!)