Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, I thought I would update on my life such as it is right now anyways. I am currently on some medicine for depression and anxiety and I can really feel a difference with myself. I feel a lot more calm and I am able to step back now an look at my emotions before I act upon them. I also have been seeing a therapist. It is very nice to be able to talk to someone about all the shit that has been bothering me for awhile now. He is very understanding and he actually talks with me, not at me or just listens. He told me in this last therapy session " Ashli, people have the right be be stupid and lazy you can't change that. Just like you have the right to choose whether you let it bother you or not." And I have been really trying to take that to heart. I can't make people change or do things but I can choose not to get angry about it anymore and affect ME.

Also, for the past 2-3 weeks we have been cleaning out my house and re-modeling/re-arranging it. It has taken almost every ounce of energy I have to do all this housework. But my house looks so much nicer and when it's all said and over with I'll live in a nice place. But that's all for now. Thought i'd make an update. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"You do know that this is therapy, right?"

That was the first question my new therapist asked me at our first session yesterday. I thought it was quite odd... Who doesn't know that they are going to a therapy session? Well... nevermind. Ever since the two break downs that happened about 3 weeks ago, I've been on medicine and now I am going to therapy. To be completely honest I feel a lot better. I don't feel like i'm drowning in emotion anymore. So, more updates as I try to get my life re-arranged. :)
