Thursday, December 20, 2007

Piss and Puke... what a day!

So, Kim takes me up to the bar after I spent 45 minutes turning in cans and bottles to have money for dinner and shit tonight... anyways, my other aunt Mary is there... and she tells me that Bonnie (my cousin) is at ANOTHER bar, and has no way to get to the bar where we are at. So, I tell her I'll go with her to go pick up Bonnie and her boyfriend Brian. We get there and Brian is pissed off talking to him self yelling etc, we pull up and ask WTF is the problem? He tells us that Big Rod (this guy who has been "friends" with the family for years) Got Bonnie SHIT FACED drunk. They were playing a game of pool and every time that she missed a shot she had to take a shot of jack daniels. This was after pouring 3-4 jack and cokes down her throat and 12 cherry bombs. The girl is fucking trashed. So, Brian brings Bonnie out of the bar she is stumbling around crying, yelling about being sorry etc and Big Rod comes out of the bar. Mary asks him, Who the fuck did this to Bonnie. He said... "I don't know!" She said, "Well, I know that Bonnie and Brian didn't have the fucking money to get her that drunk, why the fuck did you keep pouring HARD alcohol down her throat?" He wouldn't answer her. So, she was like WTF ever don't you ever do that again, she never drinks hard alcohol and you fucking know that! Anyways, she ends up puking all over the side of the van, and pissing herself. We take her back to Brians house to get changed because she was needed to play pool that night. Brian takes her in the house and gets her changed. We stopped no less than 3 times so she could puke out the back door of the van and pisses herself again. (No one knew this time cause she was wearing black pants.) Anyways, I get her into the bar me and Mary were previously at and take her into the bathroom to clean her up. (Fix her hair etc give her my coat cause she was cold.) So, she starts acting more sober, kinda, and we sit her down with 7 up and water in front of her and some chips to try to start sobering her up. Anyways, so she gets up after awhile and starts playing pool, saying that she needs to move around to start getting sober. I sit down in the chair that she was just occupying not knowing that she pissed herself and get HER piss all over ME.
I am flabbergasted at this point in time wondering wtf I am going to do, because I have no way home (Mary is drunk as well) and have to spend the rest of the night with pissy pants when I didn't even piss myself.

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