Saturday, November 22, 2008

First snowfall brings sadness...

Well, since I finally got a new keyboard I thought it would be time to finally update.
Since about 3-4pm yesterday my cousin has been missing. She called her sister and left a message around midnight stating that she was fine and safe. Everyone is worried about her. Is she really safe? Is she warm? (She did atleast leave with a coat) She is using drugs again? All of these things are running through everyone's mind. She does have a pre-paid cell phone with her (as far as we know) but her boyfriend and her parents do not want to call her in as missing persons. She has already been gone 24 hours and she has done this before. I am just so worried about her. She has become almost like a sister to me. *sigh* **Update as I was writing this: She just called her mom and said that she was fine and that she would be back home tomorrow.**

In other news, work is going along about as well as expected. Two people have recently left leaving us to 8 desk clerks instead of 10. So, now I have to pick up Sundays until the boss man can get another couple of people hired. *sigh* Atleast it's more money. Always glad to have more money. Especially around the holidays.

Will update more later.