Thursday, August 28, 2008


So, I thought i'd show everyone (well, mostly Kelly ) what MiKayla is looking like now-a-days. She went to get her pictures done by her sister and I thought she looked awfully damn cute. She wore this outfit (not the boots) to school and the family thought it would be extremely cute for pictures. Can you believe she's only 8?!?!

*** Sorry the pictures are small, I dunno how to make them bigger!!!***

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Updates on life.

Well, I am still working at the YMCA. On September 3rd it will be 6 months since I started there. The last two months I was working 40 hour weeks, which was hectic not being able to go outside and swim but the paychecks were NICE! :D

I just got done with my summer pool league session and the end of session tournament. My team placed 2nd! I won the final game that secured us 2nd place... it was an awesome feeling let me tell ya!

A few things on the home front. My aunt started dating this guy. Which is fine, I'm glad that she has found someone who makes her ... "happy" my problem is that she now spends almost no time with her daughter and she doesn't do anything around the house. I was working 40 hours a week an cleaning, cooking, laundry, dishes, babysitting... it was on my last nerve. I talked to my mom tonight about when/if she gets disability if she would consider moving out with me into a 2 bedroom apartment. I think it would be better for us and that we would be much happier. I just don't know how much longer I am going to be able to stay here in this environment without going crazy. Pretty soon here I am going to get another part time job (when they start looking for holiday help) that way I'll be able to save up some money to move out next year.

Also, I am taking a mini-vacation. I am going to my sisters house for 4 days. I am excited to be able to see my little niece who I haven't been able to see in over a year. Speaking of my sister, her and I have been talking a lot more lately. It's nice to be able to openly talk to her again, AND she lets me get a word in edgewise! :D

Well, hopefully I'll remember to post more often. I do read everyone's blogs still ....
